Eclipsa partiala de Luna din 25 aprilie 2013

Pe 25 aprilie 2013 va avea loc prima eclipsa a anului. Este vorba despre o eclipsa partiala de Luna, cu o durata de partialitate de doar 27 minute si cu o marime la momentul de maxim de doar 0.0147. In Romania faza de partialitate a eclipsei va incepe la circa trei ore dupa rasaritul Lunii.

Pe 25 aprilie 2013 va avea loc prima eclipsa a anului. Este vorba despre o eclipsa partiala de Luna, cu o durata de partialitate de doar 27 minute si cu o marime la momentul de maxim de doar 0.0147.

Eclipsa va fi vizibila in Europa de Est, Africa, Asia Centrala si vestul Australiei. In Romania faza de partialitate a eclipsei va incepe la circa trei ore dupa rasaritul Lunii.

Iata momentele principale ale eclipsei (timpul legal roman):

  • Inceputul eclipsei in penumbra: 21:03:38
  • Inceputul eclipsei partiale: 22:54:08
  • Maximul eclipsei: 23:07:30
  • Sfarsitul eclipsei partiale: 23:21:02
  • Sfarsitul eclipsei in penumbra: 01:11:26

Eclipsa de Luna din 25 aprilie este ultima eclipsa partiala din ciclul Saros 112, un ciclu ce contine 72 de eclipse de Luna, din care 14 sunt prin penumbra, 43 partiale si 15 totale.

15 Responses


I have made observations since LST19:59:40 when the Sunset occured till LST00:40, when the Moon’s eclipse was in the penumbral phase. Few children from the nearest schools were together with me. We observed Moonrise. The disk of the Moon was unobviously orange and encountered by clouds. Moonrise LST 20:58:30. The subsequent 1 hour was obscure due to clouds.

The first contact (P1) at LST22:54:08. The point of contact is plased at 320 Deg on a circular disk (50 minutes on ahand’s clock disk). It was difficult to establish the maximal phase moment due to small magnitude of the Eclipse. It was probably ~ 1-2%. I have noted in my Observations Journal the Time of Maximal Phase at LST23:09.

Since this moment the eclipse is going down (decreasing). Last contact LST23:26.This moment could be uncertain due to some oscillations I have observed during this final stage. Could they be related with Wobble?

The second Penumbral phase could be characterized by a sharp increase of broghtness of the Lunar disk. Unfortunately, some clouds covered the lunar disk during this phase.

At LST 00:22 the Moon has coordinates +10 Deg, H=30Deg above the Horizon. Polar Star cannot be seen due to clouds.

Other observations:

Twilights could be observed after Sunset during about 25 minutes. They were of deep red (bordeau) color.

A 2 motors airship flew from South to North at LST 23:16-LST23:19. The airport was very close and South of Durleshty village near Chisinau.

The observations were made in Chisinau,The Republic of Moldova.


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Interesting post i love it keep posting more

Stunning shots you got there! Thanks a lot for sharing this beauty to all of us! Excited to see more!


Could they be related to Wobble?

Josh | Popcorn removal


Fascinating! I love moons Gutter screens St Louis MO

Awesome Article you have shared. Thank you!

I’m quite fascinated with this article, and it’s a good thing you shared this


Eclipsele de Lună sunt evenimente fascinante și pot fi observate cu interes de către iubitorii de astronomie din zonele în care sunt vizibile. Aceste informații furnizează detalii utile despre acea eclipsă specifică.


Looking forward to more celestial wonders!

Eclipsa de Lună din 25 aprilie 2013 a fost o eclipsă parțială, care a avut o durată relativ scurtă de doar 27 de minute de partialitate și o magnitudine la momentul maximului de doar 0.0147. În România, faza de partialitate a eclipsei a început la aproximativ trei ore după rasaritul Lunii.

Uw bericht wordt gekenmerkt door duidelijkheid en informatief karakter; goed gedaan.


It’s fascinating to see how these celestial events unfold across different regions. | DC Drywall Contractors


Uw bericht wordt gekenmerkt door duidelijkheid en informatief karakter; goed gedaan.


Could they be related to Wobble? See at Jacksonville Drywall Contractors

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Fazele Lunii

Vechime Luna: 12 zile

Distanta: 62 raze terestre
Latitudine ecliptica: 2°
Longitudine ecliptica: 151°
