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Terraformarea planetei Venus

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Data inscrierii: 07 Iun 2015
Mesaje: 2225

Motto: Cogito ergo sum

MesajTrimis: 22 Noi 2016 21:47 Download mesaj
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catalin dumitru a scris:
2SKY a scris:
Cadi daca la sol sint 460gr , ploaia nu ajunge la sol , ci se formeaza nori si mai grosi . Nu merge cu iarna nucleara produsa de ceva arme Question

Pentru cine nu stie , apa lichidă poate exista chiar și la o mie de grade celsius . Ce trebuie luat in considerare pentru a susține afirmația mea ? Hai că nu e greu , e chiar aici in topic Smile ...

Normal ca se ia in calcul si presiunea .

Apa se evapora la 100*C pe Terra dar la presiunea de 1 atm.

Pe Venus va trebui sa ma uit in tabele ,dar se vede si din graficele lui Nobody .
Da, m-am uitat: la 315 * C.
Cred ca putem scadea temperatura sub acea valoare ,daca incepem reactia de formare a apei
pe partea intunecata a lui Venus (neluminata de Soare ).
Trebuie sa timem seama ,cum am mai spus ,ca Venus are o rotatie foarte lenta in jurul axei sale
(aproximativ 243 zile terestre ) ceea ce ne-ar ajuta ...

Repet intrebarea :

A aflat cineva cat este temperatura pe suprafata lui Venus, pe partea opusa Soarelui ?

Data inscrierii: 19 Dec 2012
Mesaje: 2838

Localitate: TIMISOARA

MesajTrimis: 22 Noi 2016 23:15 Download mesaj
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La fel de bine poate sa fiarba mai repede , exact unde presiunea e mai mica , la 45 -75 km altitudine parca . Dar si in functie de compozitie , poate grabi fierberea si ramii cu acidul , presiunea , si temperatura . Cum terra are mecanisme de reglare , la fel si fel de dereglari ale conditiilor de clima si sint cele mai puternice si pe Venus au fost , dar treptat , treptat au pierdut lupta cu soarele .

Data inscrierii: 02 Apr 2010
Mesaje: 4839

Motto: Never ever give up !

Localitate: Nowhere

MesajTrimis: 22 Noi 2016 23:31 Download mesaj
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O zi solara pe Venus (zi + noapte) dureaza 116.75 zile terestre iar noaptea e la jumatate, adica 58 de zile terestre. Temperatura la suprafata nu variaza de la zi la noapte.

Data inscrierii: 28 Iul 2015
Mesaje: 2833

Motto: Fara nemurire nu exista adevar!

MesajTrimis: 23 Noi 2016 11:18 Download mesaj
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Propun mai bine topicul VENUSFORMAREA TERREI pentru ca este un proiect in desfasurare...

Marea parte a noilor aplicatii stiintifice vor fi puse mai intai in slujba razboiului si apoi, peste zeci de ani, vor ajunge desecretizate. Sa luam un mic exemplu, bine cunoscut pe acest site, al opticii performante care la inceput a servit armatelor in razboaiele mondiale si deabia apoi noua oamenilor.
Asa ca o metafora sumbra a faptelor concrete: mai intai l-am construit pe "Little boy" si deabia apoi RMN-ul (imagistica prin rezonanță magnetică)

Noi nu suntem in stare sa ne pastram cum trebuie propriul strat de ozon pe care il avem gata facut!!!! Cum sa mai cream si sa pastram, nu numai un ozon, ci o multime de conditii pe alte planete? Piatra de incercare e aici pa Pamant, unde, din pacate, multe din resursele stiintifice se duc in ministerul razboiului, si din cauza asta, Proiectul de Venusformare al Terrei capata contur la nivel inalt: Hierosime, Nagasakiuri, Cernobaluri, razboi, incalzire globala, efect de sera, noxe, taiere paduri, consumerism.

Acestea fiind zise, despre Venus numai de bine, dar el arata acum cum poate va arata Pamantul dupa un conflict atomic...

Data inscrierii: 02 Apr 2010
Mesaje: 4839

Motto: Never ever give up !

Localitate: Nowhere

MesajTrimis: 23 Noi 2016 14:24 Download mesaj
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Cred ca nici de asta n-am fi in stare inainte sa disparem ca specie.

Apropo, nu e suficient sa racesti doar atmosfera de pe Venus, mai tre' sa racesti si scoarta, si o parte din manta ... Cel mai "rece" loc pe suprafata lui Venus ar fi in varful Maxwell Montes, doar 380 C / 44 atm. Este si zapada pe acolo ... un fel de zapada metalica. Ar merge si o bere ... pe baza de staniu.
Membru exclus
Membru exclus

Data inscrierii: 07 Iun 2015
Mesaje: 2225

Motto: Cogito ergo sum

MesajTrimis: 23 Noi 2016 22:51 Download mesaj
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tudor, as propune sa nu deviem de la subiect .

Subiectul este terraformarea lui Venus si nu are legatura cu socio-politica actuala care este trecatoare.
Eu mut discutia in viitor ,viitor care se poate prefigura pe Venus peste 1000 de ani sau mai mult...
Nu are rost sa ne plangem de mila...Omul este facut sa colonizeze Sistemul Solar si cine stie
chiar si alte sisteme solare din galaxia Milky Way peste alte cateva mii de ani.
Nu-ti fie frica ,politicienii nu sunt chiar asa de tampiti sa dezlantuie un razboi nuclear pe Terra ,
daca nu au o alternativa ... Very Happy
Odata cu colonizarea, mutam fabricele pe alte planete si scapam si de incalzirea Terrei si alte
probleme de mediu si suprapopulatie...

Ca sa-i raspund lui Nobody ,
daca apar oceanele pe Venus odata cu disiparea atmosferei , mai precis prin transformarea CO2 in urma unor reactii chimice in H2O, are loc prin transfer de caldura si racirea suprafetei planetei.

In plus prin diminuarea presiunii atmosferice, dispare si efectul de sera, care face ca temperatura
la suprafata lui Venus sa fie mai mare decat temperatura pe suprafata lui Mercur care este si de
2 ori mai aproape de Soare.

Data inscrierii: 27 Noi 2017
Mesaje: 52

Localitate: Alderan

MesajTrimis: 02 Dec 2017 23:39 Download mesaj
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Teraformarea planetei Venus
Teraformarea planetei Venus se poate realiza.
(Conditii habitabile exista in norii venusieni ori sub patura de acid sulfuric intre 40 si 50 km altitudine, fie deasupra acesteia la cca. 70 km altitudine, fie in interiorul paturii de acid sulfuric in zona norilor bine definiti evitand contactul cu acestia).
In timp ce se formează scutul supra-atmosferic din micro-bule helionice umplute cu hidrogen, temperatura atmosferei va scadea gradual.
Venus are apa atmosferică in atmosfera inalta, in subteran si sub forma acidului sulfuric care redus cu CaO din crusta prin asteroizi si detonatii termonucleare se obtine sulfat de calciu plus apa.
In final ar fi un ocean adanc de cativa zeci de metrii sau sute de metrii, majoritatea regenerat din reactia acidului sulfuric din atmosfera cu oxizii de carbon si alti oxizi de la suprafata planetei.
Prima data ar trebui sa racim planeta cu scutul helionic, apoi sa reducem CO2 atmosferic cu oxizii de calciu si metalici din crusta venusiana prin detonatii termonucleare pana vom obtine 20% oxigen ca pe Pamant.
S-ar putea ca prin racire acidul sulfuric sa ajunga la sol si sa se transforme in apa, astfel ca o parte a acestei ape ar spala atmosfera venusiana.
Probabil ca CO2 si acidul sulfuric ar reactiona la comun cu generare si regenerare de apa, acid carbonic, sulfati, acizi, saruri complexe, samd.
Totusi primul pas ar fi detonatiile la sol pentru regenerarea apei din acidul sulfuric atmosferic, s-ar obtine astfel si oxigen si carbonati, carbon, etc.
Detonatiile atmosferice ar putea fi pasul urmator de conversie a CO2 in carbon si oxigen.
Niste bombe atomice ecologice transatmosferice ar scinda direct CO2 venusian in cantitati uriase de carbon si oxigen, probabil ar fi cea mai rapida si la indemana solutie. In final Venus va fi o planeta albastră cu oceane intinse dar putin adanci cca. 1 metru adancime.
Asadar avem nevoie in primul rand de rachete nucleare transhidrogen D-T-H cu initiere ecologică curată si ieftina.
Ar fi necesara convertirea a mai putin de 10% din atmosfera de CO2, mai exact cca. 2 % din total, adică echivalentul cantitatii de oxigen din atmosfera terestra la presiunea de 1 atmosferă (in timp ce CO2 in atmosfera terestra are o concentratie extrem de mica mai degraba simbolica cca. 0,04%,).
Azotul venusian este 3,5%, ceea ce ar echivala cu 300 % in atmosfera terestră, adică azot 100% la 1 atmosferă, dar ar fi azot 100% la 3 atmosfere de azot echivalent in atmosfera terestră.
In realitate probabil azotul venusian se gaseste cam in aceasi cantitate ca in atmosfera Pamantului, deci cu el nu am avea prea multa bataie de cap.
In final temperatura va fi putin mai mare decat pe Pamant ceea ce va face ca la polii planetei sa fie temperaturi constante de 27-35C si ziua continua tot timpul si tot aici va ploua, ceea ce va face ca dioxidul de carbon sa se fixeze in marile putin adanci proaspat formate.
De asemenea niste bombe atomice ecologice vor fi detonate in zonele bogate in calciu pentru eliberarea de pulbere calcica pentru formarea carbonatului de calciu in contact cu atmosfera venusiana inca fierbinte pe la 100-200 C.
Azotul venusian pare a se gasi in aceeasi concentratie ca si pe Pamant, doar oxigenul va trebui eliberat din CO2.
Asadar asteroizi si comete deturnate pe Venus care vor aduce calciu si metale ce vor reactiona cu CO2 reducand atmosfera la carbonati solizi si stabili, plus bombe nucleare ecologice care vor reactiva multi vulcani.
Asteroizii ce vor reusi sa atinga solul venusian si macar printr-o unda de soc vor putea ridica praf si sol venusian in atmosfera intregii planete, din nou rezultand carbonati.
Calcium oxide is usually made by the thermal decomposition of materials, such as limestone or seashells, that contain calcium carbonate (CaCO3; mineral calcite) in a lime kiln.
This is accomplished by heating the material to above 825 °C (1,517 °F),[6] a process called calcination or lime-burning, to liberate a molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2), leaving quicklime.
CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)
The quicklime is not stable and, when cooled, will spontaneously react with CO2 from the air until, after enough time, it will be completely converted back to calcium carbonate unless slaked with water to set as lime plaster or lime mortar.
Asadar prin racirea atmosferei venusiene sub +178 C, suprafata de CaO, va reactiona imediat cu CO2 atmosferic generand calcar stabil.
In acest sens vom utiliza asteroizi si bombe nucleare ecologice, dar mai intai un scut criogenic planetar din microsfere helionice umplute cu hidrogen sau heliu.
Deci am putea scapa de CO2 venusian, mai dificil ar fi sa regeneram oxigenul venusian din CO2 prin producerea de hidrogen din apele freatice venusiene cat si prin
At the very high temperature of 3000 °C more than half of the water molecules are decomposed, but at ambient temperatures only one molecule in 100 trillion dissociates by the effect of heat.
Some prototype Generation IV reactors, such as the High-temperature engineering test reactor, operate at 850 to 1000 degrees Celsius, considerably hotter than existing commercial nuclear power plants. General Atomics predicts that hydrogen produced in a High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) would cost $1.53/kg. In 2003, steam reforming of natural gas yielded hydrogen at $1.40/kg. At 2005 gas prices, hydrogen cost $2.70/kg.[citation needed] Hence, just within the United States, a savings of tens of billions of dollars per year is possible with a nuclear-powered supply. Much of this savings would translate into reduced oil and natural gas imports.
One side benefit of a nuclear reactor that produces both electricity and hydrogen is that it can shift production between the two. For instance, the plant might produce electricity during the day and hydrogen at night, matching its electrical generation profile to the daily variation in demand. If the hydrogen can be produced economically, this scheme would compete favorably with existing grid energy storage schemes. What is more, there is sufficient hydrogen demand in the United States that all daily peak generation could be handled by such plants.[16]

Another possible source of hydrogen could be extracting it from possible reservoirs in the core of the planet itself.
According to some researchers the Earth's core might hold large quantities of hydrogen.[20] Since the inner structure of Earth and Venus are generally believed to be somewhat similar, the same might be true for the core of Venus.
Iron aerosol in the atmosphere will also be required for the reaction to work, and iron can come from Mercury, asteroids, or the Moon. (Loss of hydrogen due to the solar wind is unlikely to be significant on the timescale of terraforming.)
Due to the relatively flat surface, this water would cover about 80% of the surface, compared to 70% for Earth, even though it would amount to only roughly 10% of the water found on Earth.[citation needed]
The remaining atmosphere, at around 3 bars (about three times that of Earth), would mainly be composed of nitrogen, some of which will dissolve into the new oceans of water, reducing atmospheric pressure further, in accordance with Henry's law.

But I’m here to convince you that we have another neighbor that might be a better candidate for human colonization: Venus.
Venus gets a bad rep. It is known as the “hell planet” due to surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead but it wasn’t always that way. In fact, until the Soviet Venera missions in the 1960s, the planet was largely a mystery, shrouded in dense yellow clouds.
Quite a bit of science fiction was written about Venus in the early 1900s. Many stories were written about a wet, tropical paradise of a planet. The reason the Soviets sent so many probes to Venus was that the world believed that Venus could be a suitable planet for colonization. Venus has had more probes sent to it than Mars at 40 to 38 respectively.

Number of probes to different celestial locations
There was a real hope that Venus could be terraformed to a more Earth-like place but that hope vanished in 1967 with the data from Venera 4 and Mariner 5 which confirmed without a shadow-of-a-doubt that Venus was a hot, dry, desert planet. The science fiction community responded to this news with the publication of Farewell Fantastic Venus in 1968, a collection of hopeful short stories about the planet before the real Venus was known. This essentially put an end to the popular opinions about Venus and a slowdown in scientific probes being sent to the planet.
Currently there are only two proposed probes for Venus, Venera-D and the Venus In-Situ Explorer, but there are five proposed probes for Mars. When the public opinion shifted away from our sister planet, it shifted towards our red neighbor Mars.
But what if we were wrong to throw Venus out the window? What if, in our Earth-centric idea of terraforming, we tossed aside a perfectly good candidate for space colonization?

A terraformed Venus. src:
Now we can’t talk about Venus and Mars colonization without discussing terraforming. Terraforming is the act of changing a planet to be more Earth-like. However, in colonization the aim is to not “terraform” a planet because that may not be in the best interests for the human species or the most economical. The phrase planetary engineering is used to describe the tools and processes used to change a planet in such a way that humans can live on it. The last part of that statement “such a way that humans can live on it” could be a range of environments that is much dependent on the initial state of the planet and the constraints set upon the settlers on adapting to that environment. Chemical volatiles, temperature, pressure, radiation, gravity, economics and psychology all need to be taken into account when planning for human habitation of a place beyond Earth.
Planetary engineering is an unbiased approach to the act of changing a planet. The planet can be taken as is, without the need to change it just so that it becomes more Earth-like.
Certain qualities, despite not being what we’re used to, would still fall well within human limits for livability. For example, we don’t have to live in a 24 hour day/night cycle. We also don’t need to live on the surface of a planet.
Venus has a lot of good things going for it making it a better prospect than Mars. It’s closer than Mars (4 month trip vs 6 month trip), has a similar gravity (0.9g vs 0.38g), has a longer window of time to potentially launch (every 19 months vs 26 months), has an atmosphere and an induced magnetosphere from it’s ionosphere. Here’s the real kicker: 50 to 55 kilometers above the surface of Venus, the planet has a similar pressure and temperature to Earth. In fact, Venus might be one of the only places in the entire solar system where you can find a similar gravity, pressure and temperature as Earth. The problem is that it’s high up in the clouds.
But here’s where things get interesting: because Venus has an atmosphere of 95% CO2, and the density of pure CO2 is 1.96g/L as opposed to Earth air density of 1.25g/L. This means that a spacecraft filled with normal air would have an effect similar to helium on Venus.
A properly designed spacecraft could float on top of the clouds. Think of it as a flying submarine. In addition, there wouldn’t need to be any concern for explosive decompression as the ambient pressure is equal to the internal pressure. Any leak in the craft would be a slow exchange of gases.
Currently there’s a bit of “surfacism” in the scientific community. Humans are so used to living on the ground that any idea to the contrary is greeted with skepticism. Since we can’t live on the ground on Venus, we can’t live there at all.
It would be far easier to set up a colony in the upper atmosphere of Venus than it would be to colonize Mars.
Because the colony is in the upper atmosphere, it takes less energy for an orbital insertion into the gravity well. The atmosphere allows for quicker aerobraking and the deployment of spacecraft. This is important because it means that less energy is needed to escape from the gravity well of the planet, thus enabling return trips.
The window of launch (every 19 months) and the length of the voyage (4 months) is also lessened, this means that supply ships can come and go faster and more frequently, ensuring constant support for the initial colonists.

On Venus, there is a minimized risk of radiation due to the weak induced ionosphere. This is vastly different than Mars which has no magnetosphere.
Venus also has two times the solar insolation as Earth which means that any solar panels used on Venus would have a much better efficiency. In addition, the reflective cloud cover allows solar panels to be placed on any surface of the craft and still receive a similar amount of solar energy.
There are a number of problems with Venus that may actually provide an advantage to living on the planet.
First, Venus rotates in retrograde. It is thought that a catastrophic collision caused Venus to flip its rotation. The planet spins clockwise very slowly, once every 243 Earth days. It’s day is longer than it’s year (116 days).
This could actually be an advantage to Venus. The slow rotation means that a powered aircraft could stay in constant sunlight with very minimal effort. In addition, this allows for plants to grow with maximum sunlight. The CO2 atmosphere would also help immensely with plant growth.

Secondly, Venus has wind speeds of over 200 miles/hour in the upper atmosphere. However, this is limited to the equator; close to the poles and at greater than 55 degrees in latitude, the wind speed decreases to less than 22 miles/hour above the cloud cover, a much more manageable amount. you would only have to fly at the same speed as a slow-moving car to stay in the same location. In addition, in the polar regions the temperature is much more stable with swings of less than 27 F (15 C), well within Earth-normal.
Lastly, the problem that Venus has is the lack of water and the abundance of sulfuric acid. Although difficult to deal with, this is not an insurmountable problem. The corrosive acid could be an essential source of hydrogen ions in order to make water, and with the proper coatings of PIBO, surfaces can be protected against the acidic clouds.
Due to the high density of CO2, properly attired colonists could fly around the clouds of Venus with relative ease. Also, the colony could be a good testing ground for carbon-fixing technology that would have the effect of reversing global warming on Earth.
Certain microorganisms would do incredibly well in the Venusian atmosphere. Geobacter sulfuredducens is a microbe that reduces sulfur in order to generate electricity. Modified geobacter could generate the constituent components of liquid water while also producing electricity for the colony.
Additionally the carbon source in the atmosphere makes a perfect substrate for the growth of carbon-based structures. Mycological growth could be tailored to build constantly expanding, lightweight platforms that support the expansion of Venusian colonies.
All-in-all Venus seems like a much more likely prospect of prolonged human habitation than Mars. Let’s move away from wanting to transform other planets to be exactly like Earth. If we refocus our efforts on our sister planet, pretty soon we could be living among the clouds in eternal sunlight. ER.

Data inscrierii: 27 Noi 2017
Mesaje: 52

Localitate: Alderan

MesajTrimis: 03 Dec 2017 00:03 Download mesaj
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CAdi a scris:
Catalin , daca ai citit cartea , ai putea sa ne dai tu cateva idei .

Oricum ,ca punct de plecare, ar fi bine sa incepem cu racirea planetei.

Perfect adevarat si aceasta prin doua-trei metode poate chiar complementare si anume generand un strat de pseudo-ozon in fapt micro-sfere helionice de tip oglinda care ar lumina partea intunecata a planetei, dar ar permite patrunderea unei cantitati reduse de radiatie solara.

O cometa sau asteroid ar putea genera o iarna nucleara in atmosfera lui Venus, la fel bombe termonucleare ecologice detonate la sol.

Am putea utiliza un scut perfect opac dar degradabil tot din microsfere helionice, iar la final unul permanent perfect echilibrat si rezistent.

Data inscrierii: 27 Noi 2017
Mesaje: 52

Localitate: Alderan

MesajTrimis: 03 Dec 2017 00:12 Download mesaj
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CAdi a scris:
Mircea Pteancu a scris:
Raspunsul l-ai dat deja tu.
Cheia problemei sta in efectul de sera.
Cat timp se mentine efectul de sera , orice proces de racire este un proces instabil deoarece trebuie sa fie racire activa.
Adica ceea ce procesul tau raceste ,vine efectul de sera si incalzeste.
Trebuie eliminat sau redus efectul de sera.
Asadar fa intai ceva cu norii aia de ''codoi''.

(Am avut noi o mare savanta priceputa la ''codoi'' dar am scapat de ea.
Ma abtin sa-mi spun parerea despre actualii doctori in stiinte care i-au luat locul...)


Da , mi-ai dat o orientare !

Ati auzit probabil de iarna nucleara ...particulele de praf si cenusa ridicate in atmosfera de exploziile
bombelor nucleare ar impiedica razele solare sa ajunga pe Pamant si astfel Pamantul s-ar raci.
Tot asa putem sa concepem (intr-un viitor indepartat d.p.d.v tehnologic) un mijloc de ecranare al
razelor solare care ajung pe Venus ( ,,perne gomflabile uriase pe suprafata carora sa implementam
oglinzi care sa reflecte lumina solara ,etc sau alte metode daca aveti alte idei).
Odata cu racirea planetei putem sa ne ocupam de implementarea apei pe Venus .
De exemplu sa injectam hidrogen in atmosfera lui Venus fapt care da nastere la eliberare in urma
reactiilor a apei - ,,Marea Ploaie ''.

De asemenea mai sunt si alte reactii chimice de exemplu :

a)neutralizarea unei baze cu un oxid acid

2 Na OH + CO2=Na2 CO3+ H2O

b)In reacția dintre NaOH (bază-lesie) și acid clorhidric rezultă clorură de sodiu (sare) si apa

HCl + NaOH -> NaCl + H2O

Sunt cateva exemple .Poate aveti voi si alte idei ....

Venus are apa atmosferica cat sa umple oceanul sau planetar pana la jumate de metru adancime, dar acidul sulfuric ar umple oceanul cu apa pana la cateva zeci de metri adancime.

Reactiile de baza vor fi Acid sulfuric + oxid de calciu, magneziu, samd prin ridicarea prafului venusian in urma unor detaonatii nucleare sau in urma impactului cu un asteroid, rezultand apa multa plus oxigen si saruri sulfuroase de carbon, calciu, magneziu, samd

A doua reactie este cea termica de descompunere a dioxidului de carbon in urma detonatiilor termonucleare din atmosfera rezultand carbon /grafit, plus oxigen din belsug.

O alta parte a dioxidului de carbon va fi spalata prin ploile acide si formarea de carbonati in oceanele planetei.
catalin dumitru

Data inscrierii: 22 Iul 2010
Mesaje: 2693

Motto: telescopul scuza mijloacele

Localitate: Shatra Neamtz

MesajTrimis: 03 Dec 2017 00:22 Download mesaj
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Ce de bașini în limba engleză ! Cât mai era costul unui kilogram urcat pe orbită ?
Hai noapte , hai !!

Data inscrierii: 27 Noi 2017
Mesaje: 52

Localitate: Alderan

MesajTrimis: 03 Dec 2017 00:23 Download mesaj
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CAdi a scris:
Chiar nu mai are nimeni nici o sugestie de terraformare a lui Venus ? in afara de locuinte prin nori ,
(sau ma rog in afara norilor sulfurosi ) si ecranarea razelor solare pentru racirea planetei
(s-a propus folosirea unor perne gomflabile in atmosfera lui Venus ,placate cu oglinzi).

Microbule helionice, un fel de gaz, micro-gaz cu caracteristicile aerogelilor adica insulation, eventual si argintii precum oglinda.

Ar fi suficient sa producem asemenea patura opacă sau semiopaca in zonele intertropicale, iar pe la poli s-ar pierde rapid caldura in spatiu.

Hidrogenul din acidul sulfuric venusian este de zeci de ori mai abundent decat cel din apa venusiana si ar echivala cu un ocean adanc de zeci de metrii.

Data inscrierii: 27 Noi 2017
Mesaje: 52

Localitate: Alderan

MesajTrimis: 03 Dec 2017 00:33 Download mesaj
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CAdi a scris:
Buna intrebarea 2 Sky ! In nici-un caz cu arme nucleare .

Daca tinem cont ca perioada de rotatie a lui Venus in jurul axei sale este de 243 zile
(deci mai mare decat perioada de revolutie in jurul soarelui care este de 225 zile)
ma gandesc ca am putea demara reactia care aduce ploaie , pe partea intunecata a lui Venus .

Oare cat o fi temperatura pe partea intunecata ? ca nu am gasit nici pe

Ba da arme nucleare eco care sa ridice oxizii de la sol in atmosfera formand apa si carbonati complecsi.

Partea intunecata are aceeasi temperatura deci nu te ajuta nicicum, deci trebuie sa racesti Venus apoi sa treci la chimie sau sa disociezi CO2 cu arme termonucleare pana atingi cca. 20% oxigen la presiunea de 1 atmosfera, apoi celelalte reactii sau si altele printre cum ar fi reactia oxizilor de la sol cu acidul sulfuric din atmosfera inalta H2SO4 + CaO= H2O +O2 +CaSO3

Data inscrierii: 27 Noi 2017
Mesaje: 52

Localitate: Alderan

MesajTrimis: 03 Dec 2017 00:53 Download mesaj
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nobody a scris:
O zi solara pe Venus (zi + noapte) dureaza 116.75 zile terestre iar noaptea e la jumatate, adica 58 de zile terestre. Temperatura la suprafata nu variaza de la zi la noapte.

La polii planetei pe doua continente aflate in aceste regiuni este ziua permanenta deoarece Venus se inclina foarte putin pe propria axa cca. 2 grade, in timp ce Pamantul 23 grade, Marte 25 grade.

Asadar cu scut termic sau fara, Venus oricum ofera conditii agreabile in zonele polare intr-un climat tropical.

Apropo, atmosfera inalta este ionizata si genereaza un scut magnetic antiradiatii pe Venus desi planeta nu are un magnetism propriu in sensul celui terestru.

După teraformare probabil zonele montane inalte nu ar putea fi locuite din cauza radiatiilor, dar la nivelul marii ar fi ca si pe Pamant.

Data inscrierii: 27 Noi 2017
Mesaje: 52

Localitate: Alderan

MesajTrimis: 03 Dec 2017 01:58 Download mesaj
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nobody a scris:
Cred ca nici de asta n-am fi in stare inainte sa disparem ca specie.

Apropo, nu e suficient sa racesti doar atmosfera de pe Venus, mai tre' sa racesti si scoarta, si o parte din manta ... Cel mai "rece" loc pe suprafata lui Venus ar fi in varful Maxwell Montes, doar 380 C / 44 atm. Este si zapada pe acolo ... un fel de zapada metalica. Ar merge si o bere ... pe baza de staniu.

Alte planete sunt deja bune pentru baze submarine: Ceres, Europa, Ganimede, Calisto, Enceladus, Miranda, Titan, Oberon, Umbriel, Theia, Triton, samd

Gheata ofera protectie antiradiatii, iar gravitatia slaba ofera conditii mai bune in submersie, plus constructia de habitate prin topirea ghetii si realizarea de galerii.

Ceres is more similar to the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) than its asteroid neighbors, but it is much less dense. One of the similarities is a layered interior, but Ceres' layers aren't as clearly defined. Ceres probably has a solid core and a mantle made of water ice. In fact, Ceres could be composed of as much as 25 percent water. If that is correct, Ceres has more water than Earth does. Ceres' crust is rocky and dusty with large salt deposits. The salts on Ceres aren't like table salt (sodium chloride), but instead are made of different minerals like magnesium sulfate.


Ceres is covered in countless small, young craters, but none are larger than 175 miles (280 kilometers) in diameter. This is surprising, given that the dwarf planet must have been hit by numerous large asteroids during its 4.5 billion-year lifetime.

The lack of craters might be due to layers of ice just below the surface. The surface features could smooth out over time if ice or another lower-density material, such as salt, is just below the surface. It's also possible that past hydrothermal activity, such as ice volcanoes, erased some large craters.

Within some of Ceres' craters, there are regions that are always in shadow. It's possible that without direct sunlight, these "cold traps" could have water ice in them for long periods of time.


Ceres has a very thin atmosphere, and there is evidence it contains water vapor. The vapor may be produced by ice volcanoes or by ice near the surface sublimating (transforming from solid to gas).
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Data inscrierii: 07 Iun 2015
Mesaje: 2225

Motto: Cogito ergo sum

MesajTrimis: 09 Mar 2018 20:33 Download mesaj
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Iti multumesc Zod pentru efort si completari! (unele din ele bune de luat in seama)
Din pacate, doar atmosfera de pe acest topic.... s-a racit. Smile
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