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PHD ver 2

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Data inscrierii: 30 Aug 2007
Mesaje: 1269

Localitate: Fuerstenfeld

MesajTrimis: 20 Dec 2013 21:16 Download mesaj
Titlul subiectului: PHD ver 2
Raspunde cu citat (quote)

Ahoi, pentru cei care sunt interesati de versiunea 2 a PHD aveti linkul urmator pentru download:
De asemenea ar fi ideal daca s-ar oferi si feed-back - fiind o versiune beta

Numai bine

Data inscrierii: 30 Aug 2007
Mesaje: 1269

Localitate: Fuerstenfeld

MesajTrimis: 03 Mai 2014 18:46 Download mesaj
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noua pagina

Change Log

Changes in v2.2.2a (Windows only)
Fix problem with PHD2 not being able to run on Windows XP
Eliminate dependency on MS Visual Studio 2010 C++ Runtime components

Changes in v2.2.2
A new Adjust Lock Position dialog, replaces "Enter Manual Lock Pos"
Errors and warnings during capture or guiding no longer pop up a modal message dialog box. A less intrusive alert is displayed at the top of the image window.
New options to plot Star Mass and Star SNR on the graph
A new German language translation
Updated French translation
The Drift Align Tool's polar alignment circle is now sized to account for site location and alignment star coordinates (ASCOM scopes only)
PHD2 will now work with both the original (v2) or newer (v4) Orion Strashoot Autoguider drivers on Windows without running Orion's PHD2 updater program, SSAGPHD2UPDATE.
For some mounts, PHD2 can detect when the mount is slewing and stop guiding when slewing is detected
More AO-related information in event server events
Better handling of ASCOM pulse guide failures, including a workaround for a Gemini2 bug that was causing PHD2 to hang when the mount fails to complete a guide pulse
Use multi-threaded capture for LE Webcams and QHY5II cameras
New read delay setting for LE webcams
Fix for RTS/DTR signal handling for LE serial webcam, with a new Cam dialog for configuring this signal.
Mac: update to latest SBIG Driver library
Parallel port webcams allow connecting on non-standard port addresses
Fixes a problem where distance could be reported incorrectly immediately after a dither, primarily affecting Nebulosity users, Issue 255 in the issue tracker.
The search region box is now sized correctly when the image window is resized.
Fix bookmarks menu toggle item sometimes not being updated when bookmarks are shown

Changes in v2.2.1
The Advanced Settings window (the Brain) can now be opened at any time, even when guiding (with "unsafe" options disabled)
Fast recovery of guiding after dither
Improved layout of controls on the Graph when the window is narrowed
AO improvements
Drift Align tool improvements, and the simulator can now be used to practice drift alignment
Bookmark commands are now available from the menu
Mac: disable App Nap for PHD2 on OSX 10.9
Mac: added support for KWIQGuider
Image logging fixes
Updated French translation
More detailed error reporting for ASCOM camera errors

Changes in v2.2.0 since PHD2 Beta 3 (v2.1.3a):
Changes to improve reliability of interaction with Sequence Generator Pro
Fix a bug where it was impossible to disconnect an SXAO without exiting PHD2
Update about dialog to point to new home page URL
Use subframes during looping and calibrating. When looping, click outside the subframe to switch back to full frames.
Performance improvements
Changes to focal length and pixel size in the calibration step calculator are reflected on other tabs in the brain
Fix a potential hang or crash accessing an invalid memory address when finding star near edge of image
Fix some spelling errors in debug log messages
Fully rewritten Help files
Fixed typos in tooltips
Manual guide dialog can now adjust guide pulse duration and can dither
Fixed display of declination in calibration restore dialog
Updated logging code
Disable/re-enable sticky lock position when Drift Align Tool is run
Windows installer installs VC++ 2010 runtime when needed
"Mini-brain" on graph displays controls in one or two rows depending on window width
Fixed number of decimal places for camera pixel size in Brain
Updated French translation
Provide access to the ASCOM Camera and Mount setup dialogs in the Connect Equipment window
Automatically save the image when Auto-Select fails
Do not retain guide log file unless something was actually logged
Fix possible crash when RA/Dec overlay is selected and no mount is connected
Restore Calibration dialog shows useful stuff about what is being restored
Update to wxWidgets-3.0.0
Mac: renamed app from PHD to PHD2

Data inscrierii: 30 Aug 2007
Mesaje: 1269

Localitate: Fuerstenfeld

MesajTrimis: 24 Mai 2014 20:57 Download mesaj
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20 Mar 2014
We are proud to announce the latest release of PHD2, version 2.2.2.

PHD2 is the next generation of Stark Labs' PHD Guiding. PHD2 provides a number of new features and enhancements over the original PHD1, such as
A more responsive user interface, with a new multi-threaded design
Improved visualization tools for observing guiding performance in units of arc-seconds or pixels
Declination-compensated guiding, eliminating the need for recalibrating when switching targets
Support for guiding with Adaptive Optics units
Equipment profiles for managing multiple guiding configurations
Internationalization improvements, with a French translation available
A new server interface for controlling and monitoring PHD2 by other imaging applications
New tools, such as a polar drift alignment tool and a calibration step size calculator

Data inscrierii: 25 Apr 2014
Mesaje: 62

Localitate: Cluj-Napoca

MesajTrimis: 27 Mai 2014 17:34 Download mesaj
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Salutare, m-am jucat cu PHD v2.2.2 in weekend si a mers relativ ok.

Pare sa faca pasii de calibrare mai rapid decat clasicul PHD si ghideaza ok. Camera pe care am folosit-o este un QHY5v si luneta de ghidaj 80/400.

O singura problema pe care am constata-o dar astept urmatoarea iesire sa o confirm a fost faptul ca in anumite conditii (inca nu stiu clar care din ele: am apasat stop de prea multe ori, sau am apasat stop cand pierduse steaua de ghidaj) daca alegeam o noua stea chiar si in acelasi camp nu mai reusea sa reporneasca ghidajul si a trebuit sa il opresc si sa o iau de la capat. De alfel asta s-a intamplat chiar la inceputul sesiunii, mai tarziu am oprit cu succes gidajul si si-a am inceput o sesiune noua fara probleme, in concluzie trebuie sa mai incerc.

In alta ordine de idei fiind incepator nu m-am aventurat in setari asa ca aici cei mai experimentati ar putea sa dea un sfat mai bun:).

Skywatcher - 10" F/4 newtoinan reflector, 9x50 right angle finder
Skywatcher - 80/400 guiding scope, ASI120MM guider/planetary camera
Celestron - Astromaster 5" F/5 newtoinan reflector
NEQ6 Synscan Pro, NexstarGT ALT-AZ
Canon 450Da, Nikon d3100

Data inscrierii: 17 Oct 2012
Mesaje: 549

Localitate: Sandra Timis

MesajTrimis: 24 Noi 2014 22:24 Download mesaj
Titlul subiectului: PHD 2
Raspunde cu citat (quote)


A aparut versiunea PHD2 v2.4.0 Release 23 Nov 2014

Ce e nou.
Changes in v2.4.0
Guiding improvements:
Improved tracking of the guide star near the edge of the frame
Major improvements to auto-find star, avoiding double stars and saturated stars, and better hot-pixel rejection
Better star mass change detection
Calibration process improved to better restore the guide star to its starting position
New option to force Dec axis perpendicular to RA (helps calibration for mounts with large periodic error)
Improved recovery of guiding after dither
Better subframe performance
Proactive alerts for common guiding problems
Calibration sanity checks and problem reporting
Notification for Max Ra/dec limits interfering with guiding
Device support:
Improved resiliency to hung or stuck hardware
PHD will no longer hang if devices stop responding or fail to connect
Allow Aux mount connection to ASCOM drivers that won't handle PulseGuide commands, like EQMOD
SX-AO firmware checking
ZWO cameras native driver improvements
New features
Comet tracking tool
Improved status messages
Guide Log improvements
Improved debug logging
Help file updates
Allow non-ASCII characters in filenames when saving/loading FITS files
New Japanese, Polish, and Russian translations
Polar alignment tool improvements
Calibration step calculator improvements
Bad pixel map improvements
Better control of phd2 by imaging apps
darks_defects directory is no longer located under Documents/PHD2 *Mac users: need to redo darks*


Cer senin IOSIF.

Data inscrierii: 17 Oct 2012
Mesaje: 549

Localitate: Sandra Timis

MesajTrimis: 13 Dec 2014 02:05 Download mesaj
Titlul subiectului: PHD 2
Raspunde cu citat (quote)


8 Dec 2014 - PHD2 v2.4.1 Release

Changes in v2.4.1

Meade DSI camera - fix a crash introduced in version 2.4.0
Help file improvements
Updated Chinese, German, and Japanese translations
A new French translation of the help file
A new Spanish translation


Data inscrierii: 17 Oct 2012
Mesaje: 549

Localitate: Sandra Timis

MesajTrimis: 08 Feb 2015 17:44 Download mesaj
Titlul subiectului: PHD2 Log Viewer
Raspunde cu citat (quote)


Un nou update la PHD 2.

7 Feb 2015 - PHD2 Log viewer tool available - PHD2 Log Viewer


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Data inscrierii: 17 Oct 2012
Mesaje: 549

Localitate: Sandra Timis

MesajTrimis: 14 Feb 2015 21:20 Download mesaj
Titlul subiectului: PHD 2
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Un nou update la PHD 2.

12 Feb 2015 - PDF version of help file available - PHD2 Manual, thanks Doug D.


Data inscrierii: 17 Oct 2012
Mesaje: 549

Localitate: Sandra Timis

MesajTrimis: 15 Mar 2015 11:08 Download mesaj
Titlul subiectului: PHD2 (OpenPHD)
Raspunde cu citat (quote)


Un nou update la PHD 2.

14 Mar 2015 - New PDF version of help file available - PHD2 Manual, thanks Doug D.


Data inscrierii: 17 Oct 2012
Mesaje: 549

Localitate: Sandra Timis

MesajTrimis: 28 Mar 2015 20:39 Download mesaj
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Buna .

O noua versiune PHD2 v2.5.0.

26 Mar 2015 - PHD2 v2.5.0 pre-release: 2.5.0pre2

Ce e nou. v2.5.0pre2
:guiding assistant min-motion recommendations were a bit too aggressive
:SX camera (built-in driver): get pixel size from camera
:When restoring windows to their prior positions, make sure the window is not off the screen
:help file updates
:Updated Russian translation

sabin fota
Membru de onoare
Membru de onoare

Data inscrierii: 09 Iul 2008
Mesaje: 747

Motto: Nihil Sine Deo

Localitate: Drobeta Turnu Severin

MesajTrimis: 23 Apr 2015 19:41 Download mesaj
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Cum timpul imi permite sa am mai mult liber decat de obicei, am tradus in romana interfata PHD2 v2.50 asa ca Andy Gallasso m-a asigurat ca urmatoarea versiune v-a avea si interfata in romana.
Cer senin!

 Marime fisier:  248.06 kb
 Vizualizat:  de 16545 ori



Data inscrierii: 17 Oct 2012
Mesaje: 549

Localitate: Sandra Timis

MesajTrimis: 23 Apr 2015 19:53 Download mesaj
Titlul subiectului: PHD 2
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Foarte buna realizare. Multumiri pentru traducere.

Sanatate. Iosif.

Data inscrierii: 30 Aug 2007
Mesaje: 1269

Localitate: Fuerstenfeld

MesajTrimis: 23 Apr 2015 19:58 Download mesaj
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Faina treaba Sabin
Sa fac pe carcotasul de serviciu
"Locatia juralului fisierului"
Nu da cu pietre conasule....

Numai bine
sabin fota
Membru de onoare
Membru de onoare

Data inscrierii: 09 Iul 2008
Mesaje: 747

Motto: Nihil Sine Deo

Localitate: Drobeta Turnu Severin

MesajTrimis: 23 Apr 2015 20:07 Download mesaj
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Nici-o suparare, chiar va rog sa o verificati si voi ca sa fie fara greseli Smile si sa pot sa ii fac un update pana la urmatoarea versiune de PHD2

M-am chinuit sa traduc cat mai decent, am avut unele cuvinte carora nu le-am gasit deloc corespondent bun in romana asa ca le-am lasat in engleza, altor le-am gasit un corespondent in romana dar am pus si varianta engleza a cuvantului ca sa vedeti la ce ma refer.

Aici aveti fisierul atasat:

Asa se instaleaza:

Viewing the translation in PHD2
Copy to your phd2 install folder

Then, restart phd2 to see the updated translation.


Ultima modificare efectuata sabin fota la 23 Apr 2015 21:32, modificat de 2 ori in total

Data inscrierii: 30 Aug 2007
Mesaje: 1269

Localitate: Fuerstenfeld

MesajTrimis: 23 Apr 2015 20:11 Download mesaj
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