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Stellafane la 85 de ani

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Istoria Astronomiei

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Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 10 Aug 2008 17:56 Download mesaj
Titlul subiectului: Stellafane la 85 de ani
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Pe 3 August 2008 constructorii amatori de telescoape din SUA au participat la Conventia
Anuala nr.85. de la Stellafane.Iata un link/articol dintr-un ziar local (in format pdf) despre respectabilul eveniment.

Cum zice acel banc despre gazonul englezului :secretul este foarte simplu,oricine poate avea unul la fel cu conditia sa tunda si sa ude iarba zilnic...timp de cateva sute de ani.

Doru Dragan

Data inscrierii: 02 Mar 2006
Mesaje: 4414


Localitate: Timisoara

MesajTrimis: 10 Aug 2008 22:27 Download mesaj
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O sa raspud eu cum cred ca ar fi raspuns Beches Gavrila: ca sa se adune cat mai repede cateva sute de ani trebuie sa incepeti chiar astazi. Nu e vreme de pierdut. Smile
Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 20 Iun 2009 22:06 Download mesaj
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Anul acesta Conventia ATM de la Sprigfiled,Vermont, Mecca ATM-ului mondial,va fi deschisa de un Workshop de Istoria Astronomiei,care se va desfasura Joi,13 August la Muzeul ATM ''Hartness/Porter'' .Gasiti mai jos programul care include opt lucrari ,discutii informale,doua pauze de cafea, o masa si un cocktail,totul doar pentru 50$.Mircea


Hartness House History of Astronomy Workshop 2009

Cosponsored by the Springfield Telescope Makers, the Antique Telescope Society, and the Hartness House Inn

Date and time: Thursday, August 13, 2009; workshop 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM; cocktails starting 4:30 PM

Location: Hartness House Inn, 30 Orchard Street, Springfield, Vermont. Phone 802-886-8594

Overview: Please travel to the 2009 Stellafane Convention early this year for a day-long program in the history of astronomy with an emphasis on the history of telescopes. There will be eight presentations by well-known authorities; morning and afternoon coffee breaks; a buffet luncheon; and an open house at the Porter/Hartness Museum of Amateur Telescope Making (including the Hartness Turret Telescope). The event will include excellent opportunities for informal discussion with the speakers and participants, including a cocktail hour with hors d’oeuvres. Thanks to supporting private donations, the cost for the workshop, including breaks and luncheon, will be limited to $50.

Register for the workshop by contacting John W. Briggs, jbriggs@dexter- southfield. org; phone 617-524-1410; cell 575-491-6113. Participants are encouraged to stay at the Hartness House for the night of Wednesday, August 12, to facilitate our prompt start at 9:00 AM Thursday morning. (Contact the Hartness House directly for room availability. ) Registrants for the History Workshop will not be charged an early admission fee for the Stellafane Convention. (With early admission, the gate at Stellafane opens at 3:00 PM, Thursday, August 13.) For information regarding the Stellafane Convention running August 13-16, visit http://stellafane. org/convention/ 2009/index. html.

The program will feature the following speakers and presentations, listed alphabetically by presenter:

The Telescopes of the Early "Springfield Telescope Makers"
Matt Considine, Antique Telescope Society and Springfield Telescope Makers

Abstract : Beginning in 1919 when he arrived in Springfield, Vermont, Russell W. Porter provided the inspiration for a number of amateurs to build their own telescopes. This initial group evolved into the "Springfield Telescope Makers," and a number of their instruments are preserved in the Museum of Amateur Telescope Making at the Hartness House. I shall review some of the material associated with these telescopes and trace how the club's activities evolved to create "Stellafane. "

How "American" were the first American Observatories?

Richard L. Kremer, Associate Professor of History, Dartmouth College

Abstract: Between about 1830 and 1856, an “observatory movement” swept North America as universities, colleges, high schools, corporations, private individuals and the U.S. Navy rushed to build astronomical observatories. Often representing a town's or city's first buildings constructed specially for science, these observatories did more than house permanently mounted equatorial and transit telescopes and clocks. They also provided spaces in which new patterns of sociability among lay and professionalizing astronomers, students, and popular audiences could emerge. Like the local museum, athenaeum, town meeting hall, or church building, the American observatory provided public space for Americans who saw themselves as practical, democratic, and self-made. Yet in the early years, their observatory instruments and architecture seemed to come mostly from Europe. This talk explores the architecture of American observatories before 1856.

Amateurs no longer: The Growth of Telescope Making in 19th Century America Kenneth J. Launie, President, Antique Telescope Society

Abstract: Very few telescopes were made in America in the 18th century; astronomers needed to rely on distant European makers. While there is evidence of a few American amateur-made telescopes that were shown at early to mid-19th century Mechanics' Fairs, until the 1830's they generally weren't being offered for sale. The first American commercial makers were largely self-taught, starting by building telescopes for their own use, later finding they could compete against the very expensive imported European instruments. I will show some newly-found newspaper notices and advertisements that document these early efforts.

Transit Shadows: Warner & Swasey, Amateur Astronomy, and the Lick 36-inch Edward Jay Pershey, Vice Pres. Museums and Historic Properties, Western Reserve Historical Society

Abstract: In 1886 Warner & Swasey, two Cleveland-based mechanical engineers, contracted with the University of California’s Lick Trust to build the mount for the great 36-inch refractor at the new observatory on Mount Hamilton. This short presentation will connect Warner & Swasey’s development as the world’s premiere instrument builders to their interest in amateur astronomy from its origins on a farm in New England, to Connecticut, Washington D.C., Chicago, Wisconsin, and finally Cleveland.

Stars, Dinosaur Tracks, and Love Affairs: The History of Astronomy at Amherst College Richard Sanderson, Curator of Physical Science, Springfield Science Museum, Springfield, Mass.

Abstract: The presentation will focus on two of the most colorful scientists in the history of Amherst College, Edward Hitchcock and David Todd. Both were instrumental in establishing a long tradition of observational astronomy at the college. Hitchcock’s interests ranged from the stars to the strange prehistoric footprints found in the rocks of the Connecticut River Valley. A generation later, David Todd was traveling around the world to witness total solar eclipses while building a large observatory on the campus of Amherst College. Soon after the observatory’s completion, he disassembled the massive 18-inch Clark Corporation refractor and brought it to a foreign land in an attempt to prove that life exists on Mars. This talk will offer a fascinating glimpse at the pursuit of astronomy during an earlier era.

Telescopes in Colonial and Federal America, 1620-1820

Sara J. Schechner, Curator of the Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments, Harvard University

Abstract: Focusing on the British and Dutch colonies along the eastern seaboard, this paper will examine the distribution and use of the telescope in America from colonial times until the end of the Federal Period (1780-1820). It will also consider who made, repaired, and sold these telescopes; how telescopes were marketed; and who the buyers were. The findings shed light not only on the history of the telescope but also on the rise of the optical instrument trade in early America.

The Yerkes Objective: Debunking the Myth of the Large Refractor Limit Steven Tomczyk, Solar Physicist, High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, Colorado John W. Briggs, Faculty Astronomer, Dexter School; Springfield Telescope Makers

Peter G. Nelson, Research Engineer, High Altitude Observatory

Abstract: The conventional wisdom related in many astronomy textbooks is that the 40-inch objective of the great Yerkes refractor, to this day still the world's largest successfully in use, represents a practical aperture limit. Large refracting optics continue to play an important role in astronomy, and at least two proposals for future telescopes contain lenses in excess of 60 inches. This paper will examine the myth of the large refractor in light of the historical record and a recent series of modern quantitative tests of the Yerkes 40-inch objective.

James Hartness and His Underground Observatory Bert Willard, Historian and Museum Curator, Springfield Telescopes Makers

Abstract: A summary of the major events in the life of James Hartness will be presented. The Hartness Observatory is now the site of the Porter/Hartness Museum of Amateur Telescope Making. The presentation will include the story of how the museum in the underground rooms was brought into being by the Springfield Telescope Makers and the problems encountered in restoring the Hartness turret telescope, which features a 10-inch objective by John A. Brashear.
Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 26 Iun 2009 20:58 Download mesaj
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Unde se prabuseste un Airbus aflam ca a fost si o romanca.
Altundeva,in Sudan a fost rapit un grup de turisti,doi dintre ei au fost romani.
Asadar romani peste tot...
Asa ca iata ,dam mai jos linkul de inscriere pentru editia nr.74 a Conventiei ATM de la Stellafane, poate se nimeresc pe acolo si niste romani,poate de pe forumul nostru.

Lamuresc aici si un mister,o incongruenta.Prima conventie a avut loc in 1926 si nu in 1923.Nu au avut loc conventii in fiecare an.Anul acesta in 2009,la 83 de ani de la prima conventie ,se desfasoara editia nr.74.

Nu s-au desfasurat conventii in 1942,1943,1944 si 1945.Acestia au fost evident anii WWII.
Apoi nici in 1947 ,1949,1950,1951,1952 si 1953.
A doua perioada ''neagra'',mai greu de descifrat ,mi se pare ca ar coincide cu ''vanatoarea de vrajitoare'' ,rusinea Americii moderne,perioada stalinista a democratiei americane adica mccarthysmul.
La coincidenta cu moartea monstrului I.V.Stalin,cel mai sangeros asasin al tuturor timpurilor si cu compromiterea lui McCarthy in urma controversei televizate cu Fortele Armate din 1953, activitatea ATM-istilor americani a revenit la normal incepand cu 1954,conventiile de la Stellafane continuand fara intrerupere pana in zilele noastre.
In 2009,Conventia de la Stellafane se desfasoara intre 13-16 August,detalii la linkul de mai sus.

Senzatie!Se pare ca Galileo Galilei s-a inregistrat printre participantii la Conventie ,inca nu se stie daca si-a inscris si telescopul in competitie Cool Mircea
Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 21 Iul 2010 23:17 Download mesaj
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Pe situl de la Stellafane ,la linkul de mai jos,puteti viziona un film de 5min 30 sec. ,cel mai vechi material filmat cunoscut despre conventiile din Springfield.

Varianta video o datoram lui Bob Gorson si Matt Considine.Pelicula originala a fost realizata in format de 8mm la Conventia din 1941 de catre Emil Klein din Philadelphia,membru si presedinte al ATM-istilor de la Franklin Institute.
Ii vedem in acest film pe Russel Porter fondatorul miscarii ATM (cel cu palarie alba si aparat auditiv si care apare de multe ori in film),pe Wally Everest (creatorul testului Everest, la 2:04 si care sufla fumul de tigara spre camera) si pe Albert Ingalls,(la 3:36 in usa clubului si la 4:08,editor la Scientific American si al ''bibliei'' constructorilor de telescoape ''Amateur Telescope Making -Book I/II/III).
Intre momentele 3:38 si 3:50 il vedem pe Porter discutand cu un participant la conventie,ambii sprijinindu-se de telescopul-turela Porter,unul dintre cele mai ciudate telescoape din lume.Oglinda sa de 30cm diametru si focal de 5.1 metri se afla inafara observatorului-turela si executa impreuna cu acesta miscarea in ascensie dreapta.Miscarea in declinatie este executata de oglinda secundara plana de 40cm diametru,perforata in centru si pe unde lumina ajunge la ocular.
La acelasi link,cunoscatorii pot savura numeroase poze luate la conventiile istorice,incepand cu prima,din 3 Iulie 1926.


Dotare :reflectoare ,lunete,cateva binocluri si un catadioptric

Data inscrierii: 02 Aug 2008
Mesaje: 9509

Motto: panta rhei

Localitate: Bucuresti

MesajTrimis: 22 Iul 2010 09:29 Download mesaj
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Foarte interesant, Mircea! Dar sunt confuz în privința dimensiunilor telescopului Porter: 30cm oglinda primară, 40cm oglinda secundară? Shocked
bino: 8x22, 7x42, 10x50, 10x80, spotting: 10x46, 20x60
Telescoape RFT70 F/4, 80/900, RFT 110 F/5.5, Meade 90 F/10, ED80 F/6
MTO-11CA 100/1000, Cass Clasic 8"F/15, dobson newt.158/1240 DH, 4"F/4.6
piston AZ mount (R), Vixen GP, minidob
Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 22 Iul 2010 21:52 Download mesaj
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Am zis ca-i un telescop ciudat.Tu,ca observator sezi in fotoliu in relativa caldurica in ''turela'' care chiar seamana cu o turela de ...tanc.Cupola turelei este danturata si executa miscarea de urmarire a astrelor in ascensie dreapta,evident aceasta coroana dintata este perpendiculara pe ''axa lumii''.Oglinda primara este afara,in exterior,pe un suport de tevi la distanta potrivita,suport solidar cu turela si fata de care nu are grade de libertate altele decat cele de colimare.Ea priveste spre tine.Oglinda plana de 40cm poate executa o rotatie partiala in cercul de declinatie pentru a alege obiectul de observat si a carui lumina o trimite spre oglinda principala de 12 inch F/17.Oglinda plana priveste spre cer.Tu,observatorul, vezi imaginea obiectului in ocularul aflat pe axa optica a oglinzii principale deoarece oglinda plana este perforata.

Daca focalul de F/17 pare lung,atunci am sa reamintesc faptul ca ,pentru observatii solare prin proiectie directa in focarul principal,fara ocular,ATM-istii din Springfield au folosit si oglinzi de 6-8 inch si focal de vreo 40 metri.Am sa caut in volumele ATM daca vrea cineva detalii.

Eu sunt un admirator al Stellafane si,daca voi castiga la lotto,am sa merg la conventii,promit poze si rapoarte.


Dotare :reflectoare ,lunete,cateva binocluri si un catadioptric
Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 24 Iul 2010 21:32 Download mesaj
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''Springfield Telescope Makers'' organizeaza cea de a 75-a Conventie ATM de la Stellafane,Springfield,in perioada Joi 5 August-Duminica 8 August 2010.
La linkul de mai jos gasiti programul general,prezentarile pentru incepatori (vizite la telescopul-turela Porter,lectii de colimare,un tur al constelatiilor de vara,telescopul explicat pentru toate varstele,tur al campului de telescoape,tur al modelului de o jumatate de mila al Sistemului Solar),conferintele (Sloan Digital Survey,Schiaparelli si planeta Mercur,restaurarea unui refractor Clark,astrofoto la Stellafane),politicile(de arbitraj a competitiei de telescoape,despre poluarea luminoasa,de utilizare a generatoarelor de curent,de utilizare a canalelor radio domestice,despre animalele de companie,a targului de schimb si vechituri,comerciala-nu vor fi admise activitatile comerciale ale firmelor in cadrul conventiei):

O privire aruncata pe lista laureatilor din 2009,sau pe lista oricarui an,va evidentia orientarea Stellafane spre stimularea ingeniozitatii si inventivitatii.
Asadar acest topic nu-i pentru ''astro-blondele'' de ambele sexe pasionate doar de comparatii de preturi dupa marcile comerciale...pot sa-si ia bicicleta pliabila ala Dezbracatu' din poseta si sa pedaleze , aici bambu...adica ala...magazinu' s-a inchis.


Dotare :reflectoare ,lunete,cateva binocluri si un catadioptric
Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 12 Aug 2010 22:39 Download mesaj
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De la Stellafane ,2010:

Sunt prezentate si unele imagini vechi,istorice.


Dotare :reflectoare ,lunete,cateva binocluri si un catadioptric
Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 05 Sep 2010 18:02 Download mesaj
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Will,''Telescope Nerd'', adica ''Tocilarul Telescoapelor'',a participat la Conventia Stellafane din 2010.Puteti vedea cateva imagini inregistrate de catre Will la aceasta conventie la linkul de mai jos:

Prezenta replicii telescopului lui Isaac Newton la finalul fotoreportajului nu este intamplatoare.Adeseori la Stellafane sunt prezentate replici ale unor instrumente celebre sau de importanta istorica,binenteles contruite de amatori.
Ca sa citez din memorie,inafara de primul telescop al lui Isaac Newton si care a aparut la Stellafane in diferite reincarnari,anul trecut au fost prezente replici ale lunetelor lui Galilei iar acum cativa ani Bob May a participat cu o luneta pseudoacromatica de 10cm apertura si 6 metri focal dupa moda secolului XVII.

Dotare :reflectoare ,lunete,cateva binocluri si un catadioptric

Data inscrierii: 30 Apr 2005
Mesaje: 2536

Motto: Apparently, besides the anti-matter and dark matter the scientists have recently discovered also the "doesn't-matter"; however this new discovery has no influence on the known universe, whatsoever

Localitate: Timisoara

MesajTrimis: 06 Sep 2010 13:28 Download mesaj
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Ia uite ce zice domnul Will: "The primary objective is the gold disc on the table". Adicatelea, sa inteleg ca tipul a topit bijuteriile nevestei ca sa faca oglinda telescopului ? Laughing

Nu de alta dar este o oarecare diferenta intre "gold" si "golden" in limba engleza (dar el fiind american e, oarecum, de inteles...).

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." (Albert Einstein)
Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 09 Sep 2010 23:07 Download mesaj
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si americanii este oameni si greseste,mai,lasa sa manca si gura lor ceva... Shocked Embarassed

Am pomenit despre replica telescopului lui Isaac Newton (imi cer umil scuze ca nu trag tare, desi acum ar fi momentul ,cu adjective precum ''genialul,uimitorul,profundul,creatorul...parintele...inegalabilul'' dar oricum cel mai ranjit dintre fiii patriei, si prietenii sai manelisti ,nu pot fi depasiti intr-ale limbajului de lemn).Iata acum,in redactarea chiar a celor de la STM , instrumentele inscrise in competitia din acest an de la Stellafane.

Printre participanti il gasim si pe Real Manseau din Drummonville ,Canada si care a participat cu cinci instrumente printre care recunosc replica telescopului lui Newton,un astrolab marinaresc,o sfera armilara si un cadran solar,trebuie sa verific daca nu-i de tip Hartness.

Plus vedem celelalte telescoape,de la 4cm la 40cm.Mie mi se pare ca diametrul de 20cm a dominat anul acesta.

Dotare :reflectoare ,lunete,cateva binocluri si un catadioptric
Mircea Pteancu

Data inscrierii: 12 Feb 2008
Mesaje: 9082


Localitate: Arad

MesajTrimis: 19 Ian 2013 20:22 Download mesaj
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Bert Willard a anuntat pe Lista ,,Antique Telescope Society'' ca a publicat patru noi capitole din istoria Stellafane pe situl ,,Stellafane Home Page''.
Sunt abordate subiecte misterioase precum motivul pentru care cabana asociatiei Springfield Telescope Makers,pe scurt STM, a fost si este inca vopsita in roz,aparitia in 1928 a primei editii de 102 de pagini a bibliei ATM ,,Amateur Telescope Making'' si cum a inceput colaborarea dintre Porter ,Ingalls si Scientific American.
Sunt de asemenea descrise pe scurt primele doua intalniri de la Stellafane ale astronomilor si constructorilor amatori de telescoape ,intalniri numite ,,conventii''.
Prima conventie de la Stellafane din 1926 a avut 20 de participanti inregistrati iar cea din 1927 a avut 59 de participanti inregistrati.

Desigur ca membrii micii asociatii din Springfield nu banuiau ca pun bazele intrunirilor-mamut ale constructorilor amatori de telescoape din anii si deceniile care vor urma,pana la cele din zilele noastre.

Un motiv in plus pentru a acorda toata atentia si tot sprijinul nostru intalnirii in curs de pregatire a ,,''.


Stellafane,participantii editia I-a din 1926
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